High intensity interval training with plenty of modifications! Makes it perfect for any level of fitness! Great for runners as a strength or cross-training workout to develop serious power in your stride!

We've got a no repeat warm-up, 3 round main set and no-repeat finisher... so not only is this workout loads of fun, it is sure strengthen, tone, and torch fat!
Make sure you read through the whole workout before you start to determine if it is right for you. Please get in touch if you have any injuries and would like some alternative exercises! If you have never trained before, it is a good idea to get doctors clearance and see a trainer first.
Let's Go!
This was originally filmed live in our private facebook group, and can also be found on our YouTube channel! Come join us!!
Essential Equipment: Floor space
Follow along with me and I will do the timing, cue your technique and provide the motivation. Don't stop unless I do!
Alternatively you can set it up and work through it in your own time!
Warm up
1 set. 45s of each exercise with a 15s rest in between
Inchworm walkout to plank rotation
Frog squats
Reverse lunge kick left
Reverse lunge kick right
Lateral squat toe touch
1980's dance move
1x squat 4x butt kicks
Sit throughs or bear hold
Prisoner get up + squat jump
Side shuffle squat jump
Main set
Round one: 45s work 15s rest - slow and controlled
High Plank hold
High knees jogging
10x slow mountain climber + 1 x Pushup
60s rest then move onto round 2
Round Two: 40s work 20s rest - fast and strong
Fast squats
Plank shoulder taps
On the spot high knees running
10x fast mountain climber + 1 pushup
60s rest then move onto round 3
Round three: 30s work 30s rest - all out effort
Squat jumps
Plank commandoes (high to low plank)
On the spot high knee sprinting
Mountain climber sprint
No repeat Finisher: 1x 45s work 15s rest with some 60s rests thrown in for good measure!
Skater hops
Modified burpee (no pushup)
2x Reverse lunge + 1x squat jump
Plank jacks
Skipping hops
60s rest
6 high knees, 1x single arm step out burpee
Plank shoulder rocks
Run forwards and backwards
Side shuffle touch down
60s rest
Lunge jumps or shuffles
Plank row + ankle tap fast!
In out fire feet