Low- Moderate intensity cardio great for endurance and fat burning.
Make sure you read through the whole workout before you start to determine if it is right for you. Please get in touch if you have any injuries and would like some alternative exercises! If you have never trained before, it is a good idea to get doctors clearance and see a trainer first.
Essential Equipment: Floor space
Warm up 2x40s on, 10s to change exercises
Frog squats
Hip flexor rock to lunge stand left
Hip flexor rock to lunge stand right
Down dog calf raise left
Down dog calf raise right
Circuit one 4x No rest between exercises, 90s rest between rounds
Rd 1 50s
Rd 2 40s
Rd 3 30s
Rd 4 20s
Side to side lunges
Moderate Pace Mountain Climbers

Broad jumps, shuffle back
Toe taps

Circuit one 4x No rest between exercises, 90s rest between rounds
Rd 1 20s
Rd 2 30s
Rd 3 40s
Rd 4 50s
Front kick
Gallop and stop
4x heel flicks + 4x cross jumps
Karate Kicks
Follow along with the trainer:
This was filmed live in our private facebook group. Come join us, we have 3 sessions a day!!